Who we are
We are White Row Country Foods based at White Row Farm, Beckington, BA11 6TN and can be contacted on info@whiterowfarm.co.uk
What this document is/aims to do
This policy outlines how we collect, store and process (use) personal data of our customers/potential customers. It is designed to give clear detail on these areas, offering genuine choice and control to those whose data we hold.
Why we are doing this
Not only is a new law coming into force from 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but the changing use of technology and social media platforms make this the right time to update what we do.
We also believe in being fair, open and honest with our customers about the food they purchase from us so to treat their data in the same way fits well with our ethos.
Updates to this policy
We may change this policy from time to time, so this is what is known as a ‘living document’. You can request a copy of the latest policy to check you are still happy with any changes by emailing info@whiterowfarm.co.uk. This policy is effective from 25th May 2018.
What data we may hold
When we refer to data we mean personal data, i.e. that which could be used to identify an individual. This could be a name, an email address, an image, i.e. a photo or video (e.g. CCTV image) or a post on social media. Details such as email addresses may be held in a database if you have signed up for our newsletter, or in an email inbox if you have emailed us or we have emailed you.
When someone visits our website (www.whiterowfarm.co.uk) we use a third party service, Google Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. The reason we do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. If we do want to collect personally identifiable information through our website (eg for newsletter sign up), we will be up front about this.
Why we hold it and how we use it
The reason for holding data is to use to either contact you or in the case of images use them in our marketing to show others what we do. In the case of CCTV images these are used for crime prevention. Cookies are used to look at the behaviour of users of our website to improve the experience of future visitors.
How we store your data
All data is held digitally. Some data will be held on PCs that are in locked areas with access only by relevant personnel. Other data will be held in secure cloud based storage.
Any non-digital data is input to the relevant database then disposed of securely. Personal data such as identifiable images and social media posts may be used for marketing purposes (with your permission) and would therefore also be displayed publicly on our website/social media channels.
Our legal right to hold your data is based on your consent. By this we mean that we will be open and you will be told when you pass over your personal data what it will be used for. By submitting your details you will be consenting to the use that is laid out for them.
Changes to your personal details & your right to be forgotten
The personal data you have given us and that we hold is still yours. You have the right to change it or to have it deleted in its entirety (your right to be forgotten). If you want to update your details or you want to let us know that you would like to have your details deleted please contact us on info@whiterowfarm.co.uk
How and when we dispose of your data
Your data will be disposed of under one of two conditions.
Firstly it can be deleted on your request – if you would like any of your personal data or that of your dependents removed. Please contact us on info@whiterowfarm.co.uk so we can assess what data we hold and then confirm deletion. Alternatively we will delete it if it were to become non relevant. By this we mean it is out of date/no longer relevant and would not be used for one of the reasons stated above. We would not hold personal data without having a reason to do so.
Issues – complaints/data breaches
If you have a complaint about how your data has been used or held please contact us on info@whiterowfarm.co.uk so we can investigate for you. If you feel that we have not handled your query to your satisfaction you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (I.C.O). Further details of ways to contact them can be found on their website: https://ico.org.uk/concerns/