Spinathon: Spin for Emma
We are sure that all of our staff would welcome your support on this significant day.
Monday, 28th August, 10 am - 6 pm, members of our team will be spinning on two spin bikes for 8 hours in support of one of their team members Emma who is raising money towards her breast reconstruction surgery after breast cancer.
Emma has also set up her own just-giving page.
Please cheer us on during this high-intensity spin challenge! To help raise money for our much-loved team member.
We will also be holding a raffle.
Prizes include; A White Row Farm shop hamper / A hobbit cupcake voucher from a professional occasion baker / A voucher from Little Lodge Beauty / A beauty hamper / A meal for two voucher for White Row fish & chips / An afternoon tea for two / A fishmongers seafood platter worth £120 / A JD beauty voucher worth £50 / A selection of Polish Vodkas / Love Hair and Nails professional hair care products
Tickets can be purchased from the Farm Shop and Cafe from Monday 21st to Monday 28th August. The winners will be announced on the 29th of August by phone.
Any extra monies raised will be given to WHY cancer charity in Frome
Who’s mission is to provide free therapeutic support for children, families and individuals in Bath and North East Somerset, Somerset and Wiltshire who are affected directly or indirectly by cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
Everyone at the farm will be supporting this event; we wish them luck!
We would also like to say to Emma that we are all thinking of you.